Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Website of the day: Coolsig Signatures for your e-mail.

I believe I have made an incredible scientific discovery. Everyone has seen these cars zooming around with Porsche written on them. The ones I’ve been seeing this year are incredible: fast, comfortable, stylish. I remember seeing similar cars when I was a kid. Much more primitive, loud, remember that waaaaaaaaaa sound? And the doppler effect when it passed you. Wow!
Well I’ve been studying them and it seems every year they get a little better. Sometimes a new looking one would appear like a different branch of a tree. It would grow for a while. Some stopped and went extinct. Some kept on longer. It seems like the best features of each would be incorporated into a new one. Designs no longer necessary went away.
Well, this is incredible! Have you noticed the similarity to other cars. It’s the same way, they seem to evolve from primitive to more advanced and they all seem to have a common ancestor. I believe the earliest know motorized cars evolved from Germany, according to my studies. And before that there were these horse drawn buggies which seemed to proliferate.
This is my theory. These cars were not created. No, they evolved. They evolved from a common ancestor and from who knows what before that. Much more scientific research has to be done.
If animals can evolve, than why not cars? I’ve seen Star Trek, they put forth the theory that robots and micromachines can evolve, so I’m not the first.
I know I’m on to something here. You can’t tell me they were designed by some intelligent being. Not once have I ever met such a being. No one ever came to me or called me and said they designed it. Sure, I’ve read it in books, but who’s to say those books weren’t made up and changed over the years to suit the powers that be?
If it’s not possible that these cars evolved on their own, if it’s impossible for inanimate objects to evolve, than how is it possible for animate objects to evolve. Why can’t the same “life force” be in the cars in a different form?
Did you ever study the universe? Nature? Physics? Did you ever notice the similarity in design that runs through the entire creation? Is it not obvious? If not, than how can you imagine evolution? Isn’t evolution based on similarities?
Last night I saw a documentary on Frank Lloyd Wright. His architecture was fabulous and I couldn’t help but notice the similarity of his designs. You can look at one of his creations and tell it is of his design. You can look at a Porsche and tell it was designed by Porsche. You can tell a creator by his creation. His personality comes out in his design.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Verse 1 tells us that God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth. Planets, stars, galaxies, you name it.

Isa 45:18For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

The words for without form and void are tohu and bohu and are tohu is used in both Isaiah and Genesis. When God created the earth it was a finished, beautiful creation. It later became a wasted and uninhabitable mess. The amount of time between verse 1 and verse 2 could have been and probably was billions of years. The earth and visible universe were destroyed by a war between the previous inhabitants (called angels in the Bible, and later demons after they rebelled) and God and the two thirds of the angels that were assigned to other posts. The king of the Earth was and to this day is Lucifer, now called Satan because of his rebellion. He was in charge of one third of the angels that God created, he still is. Satan is the god of this world and will remain so until Jesus Christ, who qualified to replace Satan as King of the Earth, returns to take his throne, the throne of David which still exists to this day.

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