Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Website of the day: anonymizer I don't really feel the need, but maybe you do.

From Neal Boortz, here's Nealz Nuze for Nov. 26, 2002

AvaQuest GooglePeople I can see this being useful once in a while.

Tough immigration policies, hmmm. In Australia

Anyone who sends unsolicited porn e-mails to anyone should be shot. Period. The rest of the spammers should have to buy everyone they spammed a brand new laptop. If they do it again, a desktop. 3rd time, a new car of spammee's choice. 4th time a new house and if they do it a 5th time they should be shot too.

Here is the Best of the Web from Opinion Journal This page is always a good read.

Last week I went into the garage at night and out of the corner of my eye, thought I saw something jump off a ladder I have in there. I went over there but didn't see or hear anything. Then Irma's mother said she saw a huge rat crawling on top of the garage door rail. Actually she said she saw two. I saw other evidence of rodent activity so I bought a couple of rat traps, put peanut butter on them and put them along the walls. The next day, nothing. I waited another day and the peanut butter was gone. Meanwhile I'm hearing stories about how big it is and the traps aren't big enough. I tied some yarn to the trap and coated it with peanut butter. Next day, snake food! And no, it wasn't huge. Why do people exaggerate the size of rats and snakes?
I know a guy who worked at a hotel near mine and he called me one night and said he just killed a huge snake. He asked me what kind it was and described it as having red, yellow and black rings and it was at least 6 feet long. Well, if it had those colors it can only be a scarlet king snake, scarlet snake or a coral snake and none of them reach much more than 2 feet. I went over to see it in the morning but he said he threw it into the woods so I couldn't see it. Yeah right.
Anyway, I left the traps in the garage again but got no takers. Too bad, I can use another for snake food.

I had a couple of teeth pulled last week. Ouch! The doctor gave me a 2 needles in the roof of my mouth and that's about as much pain as I can handle, thank you. I usually don't mind the needles but not in the roof of your mouth, what is that? It was infected, maybe that's why it hurt so much. He said I should have been put to sleep for the procedure but I didn't really like that idea. It was all a bit painful, six needles total, but it's over now. I still can't believe I did that.

Apparently, this is what they'll think of next.

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