Saturday, January 04, 2003

Here's an article that points out the idiocy that is the last hope of mankind called the United Nations. No longer a player on the world stage. Thank you R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Linda Chavez writes When delusions are added to the mix

Ann Coulter notes - Journalism: Where Even The Men Are Women

Larry Elder did an Interview with a former bombmaker

Thomas Sowell wrote Dangerous democracy

Rededication to 'the proposition' was penned (typed) by David Limbaugh

Which brings me to this:

The future of the United States of America is grim. From what I understand of the Bible (and you and most christians may believe that is nothing), the world is in for a very rough ride and the worst of it will begin in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the stumbling block. The United States of Europe will sweep into the Middle East to take control with the help of the Vatican and the (probably) next Pope. The United States of America will be in economic ruin and many cities physical ruin - devestated. Devestated by Europe. Chinese and possibly Russian armies will head to the Middle East to challenge Europe. But all the armies will fight what they believe is an invasion from outer space. And they will all be destroyed.

I don't want to see this happen, it won't be pleasant. I don't look forward to seeing this happen to people. I do look forward to what will happen immediately afterward - the return of Jesus Christ to take over all the nations of the world and to rule them with a rod of iron. No more tears, no more fear, no more sick bastards raping and killing little girls and leaving their broken and dead body on the side of the road like trash. And no more taking 20 years to put them to death for doing it. This sick society we live in now will be gone and I won't be sorry for that.

I am not saying this to convert you. I can't do that anyway. In fact I know you don't believe that I know anything about what God has planned. "All the theologians and churches don't know but you do"? It's OK really, if I'm wrong you can live your life in peace and I hope it's long and prosperous. What I believe only really effects me... if I'm wrong. But when you see these things happening before your very eyes, perhaps, if you remember and pray, God will grant you repentance and allow you to take part in the first resurrection.

Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

Now you can get back to something important.

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