Friday, February 28, 2003

Happy Birthday James! Today James turns 3 and he was singing happy birthday to himself this morning. Tomorrow he is going to Chuckie Cheese. If you ask him how old he is he holds up 2 fingers, he refuses to hold up 3.

I heard the author of a book called Tea With Terrorists on the radio this morning. He certainly seemed very well informed about Islam and knew the koran and all the other books they use and he knew them better than any muslim that called in to try to refute what he was saying. He quoted liberally from all the books and knew when they were written and the history of what was going on at the time and it was very clear that anyone refuting him really didn't understand their own religions' foundational documents or just denied in the face of truth it actually says what it says, not unlike many christians do. The problem is, a whole lot of muslims overseas do understand and live by them and that is not good news to those who wish this whole war thing would go away. Read his To The Reader. There are 2 sample chapters to read also. It looks pretty good.

Her's a website about names: Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names.

Here's one about rules: Might be helpful.

A quote: "An infallible method of conciliating a tiger is to allow oneself to be devoured." - Konrad Adenauer - thanks to Samizdata.

James liked the e-card Kathy. He wanted to get the balloons out of the computer. He says thank you.

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