Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Today I went to the Volkswagen dealer to pick up my parts only to discover one of them was the wrong one. The picture on the computer looks right but there are 2 different part numbers for that part and they ordered the wrong one. Maybe I'll be able to fix the car Sunday. James had fun though. He loves to look at he "cool cars" and actually would rather get in and play with them.

On the way home we went to Computer City (just looking) and McDonalds for lunch. He wanted chicken nuggets and ate them all, half the french fries and unsweetened iced tea (he likes it). He got a cool little dump truck too. We went to K-Mart to pick up some oil and that was a new experience. When I went to the cashier to pay there was no one around. No one. No customers or employees. Two registers had the light on so I went to one and it was one of those self serve registers. It was a little disconcerting but it worked fine and it took my money and gave me change. Weird. It's just a really strange feeling to be doing it all yourself. And what happens if the machine doesn't take your money, like so many soda machines? We went to Best Buy to look around (I don't get out to the stores much) and it was completely redone and they lined you up at the registers like at a bank. Next! Of course only one was open. No self serve here. I got a cd for Irma. (and me! - Bic Runga: Drive. We like her.)

We went home and took a nap. I had to wake James to go pick up Joshua. -----I just saw Saddam Hussein on TV sipping a cup of coffee so daintily holding his left hand palm down under the cup as he sipped. That's funny! The dainty dictator. ROTFL. ----- Back to my day... Joshua had a doctors appointment so we picked up Irma and went there. James and I waited outside and he had fun exploring and looking at the fountain they had out front. He started taking his shirt off to go swimming and wanted to jump in. No James. Afterward we went to Steak n' Shake cause Irma had a discount card. I got the peppercorn cheese melt w/chili and chicken soup. I forgot how much I like their chili and the soup was good too. I try not to eat hamburgers very often (sorry, steakburgers) but to get the discount it must be a buger plate. It was good but I had to go home and sleep right after and I hate sleeping with a full stomach. Went to bed at 7pm, up at 10pm and off to work.

About "allah" destroying Columbia. What a joke. I thought it was so silly I wasn't even gonna mention it. Here's a comentary on it. Did "ALLAH" Destroy Columbia? I still think it silly that anyone would actually believe that.

One thing about the Columbia disaster that really surprised me was that they had no way, even if they saw the damage while still in orbit, to do anything about it. They could not do a space walk, could not repair it, could not dock with the space station, and could not send another shuttle to save them. They were doomed no matter what. I really thought they took precautions in case something like this happened, but no. If it breaks, they die. Wow.

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