Friday, April 04, 2003


I got my Seasilver refill Tuesday after missing it for a couple of weeks. The past 3 days I spent the mornings outside trimming the trees and dragging the branches across the yard. I only stopped because I don't know what to do with all the branches, my trees need alot of work! Usually I'm so tired I just want to sit on the sofa and sleep with my eyes open watching James. What is this stuff?

While trimming one of the trees I found a huge treefrog sitting on a branch. It had sawdust all over it. I showed it to James and he got all excited and wanted to touch it. He knows it's a frog but he calls them "ribbits." I think I took it's shade away - it wasn't there today.

One tree looked a little rotten at the base of the trunk so I poked it with a stick and it became a cavernous hole! About 3/4's of the trunk is gone. I have to cut that one down, it's the one Irma wants to get rid of anyway. I'll have to cut it in pieces from the top down, it's pretty big, but not huge. Trees are HEAVY!

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