Tuesday, June 24, 2003


I like Dennis Prager. I've never heard his radio show, I don't think it's on in my area, or if it is it's not on when I'm in the car, but I use to watch his TV show years back. He's clear thinking and also communicates clearly and thoughtfully. Most of the time he is spot on as well. Here is his latest commentary: No arrogance like liberal arrogance.

I found this one in the archive. I like it, too: Monkeys and atheists.

The PowerPC G5 changes all the rules

Looks like some good news over at Apple.

"This 64-bit race car is the heart of our new Power Mac G5, now the world's fastest desktop computer," Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder and chief executive.

It's a little too freaky knowing Al Gore has anything to do with that company though. That does not inspire confidence. No, it doesn't.

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