Thursday, July 17, 2003

Dixie Stampede

I got a couple of complimentary tickets to see the new Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede here in Orlando. I have to use them by July 31. There are alot of dinner shows around here and I've never been to one. The Dixie Stampede looks like something James will enjoy, he loves horses, so I want to take him. Now if I can get Irma to agree on a day to go.

James was sitting here watching Spongebob and Squidward got an explosive pie in the face, they showed a huge explosion and James said, "That's gotta hurt!" I don't know where he picks up these sayings. I have an idea though. The other day I put in a movie (Analyze That) while James was busy playing with his toys. He didn't seem to be paying attention to the TV in any way, but suddenly he starts repeating something he heard in the movie. Of course it's something I'd rather not hear him say. I turned off the movie. He did the same thing to Irma the other night too. Why do they pick up those words so easily?

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