Saturday, August 09, 2003

Blogger Problems

I tried to blog yesterday and kept getting errors. That happened once before, I sure wish they'd fix that.

All Wet

It rained almost all day today. Hard. I drove to Melbourne and for about 20 miles could only go 35 mph because it was raining so hard. I could hardly see the road. I only saw one car driving with their flashers on but a few had no lights on at all. That's crazy. The thought of the day is: Get Rain-X.

All In

The other day on the Discovery channel they had a show about the moon. It was fascinating. They have different theories on how the moon came to be but they tend to think it was a part of the Earth that was broken off in a collision with another planet that no longer exists or another large chunk of space rock that hit the Earth. Over and over they said if this or that were only slightly different, the Earth would not be able to support life. If the collision wasn't just right, if the moon was larger or smaller, further away or closer, if the density were different, if it revolved around the Earth faster or slower ... any changes to any of these variables (and more) would mean life could not exist on Earth. There is life on this planet only by the slimmest of margins. It gets mind boggling to hear the scientists talk about this. They know how miraculous it is, they brag about it, they're amazed themselves at each step along the way where something happening differently would mean no life on this planet.

It all reminds me of poker. It's as if the Earth is playing poker with the universe. And since the beginning, billions of years ago, the Earth has been winning hand after hand after hand and each hand is played "all in." If it loses a hand - no life. So each hand, it bets it all, and it all rides on lady luck. ... It could happen. Yeah right.

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