Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Islam vs. Christianity

The Age-Old Conflict

Because too many people still don't believe this is war.

"Many contemporary theologians depict the Crusades as Christianity's war against Islam, but they have it dead wrong. For Islam was on the march centuries before the Crusades, having conquered the Christian lands of Egypt, Syria, North Africa and Spain by the time Pope Urban II had declared the first Crusade."

Because we want to believe reasonable people can live together in peace and harmony.

"Christians who believe that all people are equal in dignity before God need to realize that this idea is not taught in traditional Islam. Muslims who do believe in this equality of dignity have been influenced by the West, but within the Muslim community they are typically shouted down by the more fervent and louder voices of Islamic militants."

Because the warning trumpets have sounded and most of us are wearing headphones and keep turning up the volume to drown them out.

" My colleague Robert Spencer writes in "Islam vs. Christianity: The Age-Old Conflict Continues" that Americans need to wake up to the fact that not all religions or their followers share the Western values of tolerance. "

We watched the tragedy unfold
We did as we were told
We bought and sold
It was the greatest show on earth
But then it was over ...

Roger Waters/Amused to Death

It could happen.

Our brother country, Great Britain, was at one time the greatest company of nations the world had ever known. The sun never set on the British Empire.

The United States is the greatest single nation the world has ever known.

Europe and America in Prophecy

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