Thursday, August 28, 2003

Sick is Sick

Found on David's Blog:

"Comment submitted by Grass is greener in regards to blog entry: Islamic Terrorists Blow Up Middle East Peace:

Perhaps the current Palestinian culture is not sick, but desperate. Factions of the Zionist movement of less than a century ago engaged in equally violent action. By your yardstick, were those that enabled the negotiation with the British for the Palestinian Mandate sick, too?

My Reply: Please. No people in history has blown up its own children or deliberately declared war on infants and old people. These attacks are calculated, systematic and done with genocidal intentions. Let's call it the Palestinian subculture -- since it is the product of systematic indoctrination by the Palestinian dictatorship. Sick is sick. Wake up. The Palestinian Authority doesn't want to negotiate a peace. The Palestinians were given a state fifty years ago. Their answer was a violent war to obliterate Israel. They already have in Jordan a Palestinian state but they don't want it because there are no Jews to kill there. They had the land -- the West Bank which is the historic home of the Jews -- from 1949-1967. They used the West Bank to launch a war against Israel in that year and that's why there are Israeli soldiers in the West Bank today. To prevent these murderers from striking again. The Palestinian leaders have only one agenda -- destroy the state of Israel. This is the one thing the Israelis cannot negotiate. And that is why there is no peace."


James loves to go to the playground but they took the canopy from the one I usually take him to. I thought they would replace it with a new one but apparently not. They put up signs saying the playground equipment may get hot. May get hot? Do they know this is Florida? The playground is completely useless except before 11am. The sign should read "Caution: Using playground during daylight hours may result in 3rd degree burns." What are they thinking?

Remilitarisation of Japan

More news on Japan's anti-war constitution. PM wants to end Japan's anti-war law

It's just a matter of time, Japan has too much at stake.


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