Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The Temple Mount Revisited

There's a good article in Jewish World Review on the reopening of the Temple Mount to "infidels."

Opening the Temple Mount: Making of a tinderbox or preventing historical destruction?

""We are Muslims. Allah said that the mosque is only for Muslims. Why are they coming here? What temple? Where?" said Mouna Kawasmeh, a Palestinian woman who looked askance at visiting Israelis and dismissed their assertions that two temples were built, and destroyed, on the mount in biblical times."

And from The war that never ends

" It is because of religion that the battle continues with only occasional letup to allow the killers to rearm. Three weeks at summer camp will not deter a people whose faith is in a god many of their religious leaders believe wants a shotgun marriage between mosque and state. Many of them are taught that the heavenly kingdom and the earthly one are linked and that it is their job to eliminate "infidels" who don't see as they do. No one who understands the substance behind this battle and the unchanging objectives of those who fight it could possibly believe that such a religious vision will be modified by "infidel" diplomats."

And an article by Ed (was he really a democrat?) Koch: Jews must reward Bush for stance on Israel

"The goal of all Palestinian terrorist organizations is the destruction of the State of Israel." Never forget that because it won't change.

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