Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I Agree Whole-Heartedly

Joseph Farah wrote How to lose this war about the planned court martial of Lt. Col. Allen B. West.

No More Junk Mail?

The past week I've noticed a huge drop-off in the amount of junk mail I've been getting. I used to get 8, 10, or 12 a day and now I get one every couple of days. I'm happy about it but also curious as to why.

Fish Tank or Toy Box?

When I woke up to go to work I noticed the fish tank was loaded with cars, airplanes, cows, and who knows what else. James obviously, but where was Irma? He's in big trouble in the morning. He's put a toy in there every once in a while and knows he's not allowed to do it but he's never done anything like this before. The poor fish.

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