Thursday, February 05, 2004

Sometimes People Mean What They Say

Islam will invade Europe and America

So says Muhammad Mahdi Othman 'Akef, who recently took over the Egyptian-based movement after the death of leader Mamoun Al-Hudhaybi.

Just Say No

I just want to point out something in this commentary about the U.N.

The setup:

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights plans to debate a new resolution next month called the "Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Human Rights" that will give homosexuals protected minority status.

The resolution has the support of a number of Western nations, including Canada and the European Union. Interestingly, the principle opponent to the resolution is the Organization of the Islamic Conference. The OIC has become the de facto power at the United Nations, since it generally votes as a single bloc. That gives the OIC a 57-vote advantage. That is enough to explain why Israel is the recipient of more U.N. condemnatory resolutions than any other state in history. But it may not be enough to kill the U.N.'s resolution affirming homosexual minority status.

That's interesting but not my point. Here's the important part:

The U.N. Declaration of Human Rights guarantees "freedom of religion" - but that freedom evidently really is only when such religious freedom "doesn't conflict with the aims and intentions of the United Nations" (as the UNDHR clearly states). This effectively demonstrates that such "guarantees" aren't worth the paper they are printed on. This sets up a precedent for the United Nations to forbid a religion from teaching an exclusive way of salvation, i.e., faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

In this case "the aim and intention of the United Nations" is to persecute those whom it deems are persecutors of homosexuals.

It wouldn't be so scary if so many in this country (democrats) weren't so eager to give American sovereignty over to the U.N. Of course, it wouldn't stop there - what beliefs do you hold that the U.N. may not agree with? How close are we to losing the "American way?" Where is Superman when you need him?


Why do they hate us?

Never Question Modern Medicine

Michelle Malkin has a new baby and tells of some of her experiences with the gods of medicine.

Beware of vaccine bullies

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