Friday, March 12, 2004

Is This the Making of a New Movie?

Sea Lion Grabs Fisherman Off Boat

"The sea lion was just swimming around the boat like they do always when the boats are delivering fish,'' Ray Sr. said. And just like that, the creature - estimated about 12 feet long and between 1,200 and 1,500 pounds - leaped a half dozen or more feet out of the water and grabbed his son.

"He went over like a rag doll,'' the father told the Anchorage Daily News. "The only thing I was thinking is, that sea lion was taking off with my boy, and I'll never see him again.''

The ending is happier then you might imagine. And no, it doesn't end with the sea lion exploding.

OK, so it's not a sea lion, and the guy's not on a boat, but you can just imagine.

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