Thursday, April 01, 2004

Do You Want the U.N. to Control the High Seas?

U.N. Wants Control of the Seas with U.S. Senate's help

And the Senate is only too happy to hand it over.

After unanimously passing the Treaty out of committee, the pressure is on to give it "unanimous consent," meaning there will be no official vote to ratify the treaty; no record of support or opposition; no one to blame when it’s over. The treaty will just become the law of the land -- no muss, no fuss. Business as usual. Senators like to hide from thhe people that way. It makes life so much easier for them.

Here's another sample, but really, read the whole thing.

In the name of "social equity," a euphemism for "redistribution of the wealth," the UN's Law of the Sea Treaty will replace the freedom of the seas concept with central control from an international body, specifically the United Nations. Under UN control a new supranational agency has been created called the Seabed Authority.

The Seabed Authority is organized identically to the UN General Assembly using the one nation, one vote model. That means that numerous, tiny Third World nations can organize a block of votes hostile to the United States and other industrial nations. Such a setup has created an unworkable situation in the General Assembly and it's why that body achieves very little of worthwhile substance. Now, the same gridlock expects to rule the seas of the world.

The Seabed Authority will have the power to regulate all the seas -- roughlly seven-tenths of the world’s surface area. It will have the sole power to issue permits for fishing and mining and drilling operations under the surface. It can fix prices of sea products and impose quotas on how much is produced. It can levy international taxes and impose production quotas on deep-sea mining and oil production; control ocean research and exploration; and create a multinational court to enforce its dictates. Don't be surprised to see Seabed Authority ships plying the waters, stalking ships, and mining and drilling operations it deems in violation of its authority.

The Seabed Authority can force governments and private companies to file for permits and impose fees and it can delay production for years. Yet, in the end, after charging up to a million dollars for permit fees, there is nothing in the Treaty that requires the Authority to EVER issue even a single permit. In addition, the provisions establishing the Authority gives it the power to set up its own mining and drilling activities, and compete right next to private efforts. That provision alone should set off alarm bells concerning the fairness of permit decisions.

How can anyone be stupid enough to position the U.S. to bow to the U.N.? Unless the goal is to dismantle the U.S.

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