Sunday, August 01, 2004


Kerry's abortion doubletalk

That's an eye opening commentary. What stands out most to me is what the founder of Planned Parenthood wrote in a letter:

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

The things that a liberal can get away with are quite amazing.

What does Kerry say?

John Kerry proclaimed to ABC News and its viewers that he believes life begins at conception.

He "clarified" his statements by distinguishing human life from personhood. His position is that the unborn child is not a person according to the law. Though human, the unborn child is not protectable human life. (That's the argument the Supreme Court used in 1857 to justify slavery)

By the way, in October 1972, Kerry told the Lowell Sun, "I'm opposed to abortion."

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