Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Cryptic Comedy "I'm Gonna Kill the President!" to Play Somewhere in NYC, Aug. 17-Sept. 4

At the very least it's irresponsible and in poor taste, but to put up playbills all over the city that say "I'm Gonna Kill the President," leading up to and during the Republican convention, which is in the same city, and perhaps with the hope some lunatic takes it as a message from God to actually do it, is closer to criminal. It should be shut down. Don't be fooled, this is not just a coincidence or innocent prank. The left has more than it's share of deranged minds.

You've heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Communism and socialism have been tried and tried and fail miserably every time. Except of course, Cuba. That's why Floridians risk life and limb daily, desperately trying to reach her shores by any means possible to claim that wonderful paradise that is communist Cuba.

Freedom is where it's at. Freedom. Freedom to succeed and freedom to fail. Freedom. And just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't mean you should, just as the freedom to not do something doesn't mean you shouldn't. When the government makes all your decisions for you it takes away your freedom to do the right thing. When people are taxed to death they become selfish with the little money they have left. They may not even have enough to do as they want. They are less willing to give freely to charitable causes so if you are not in the good graces of the government you get next to nothing. Crumbs.

Our present tax law was not part of the constitution, is way out of control, is flawed at it's foundation and is strangling our economy.

I think I turned a corner in that post somewhere. I have a friend who became disabled and is really unable to work and earn a living (and desperately wants to!) yet social security is denying him, everyone he has gone to has denied him and he has X-rays and an MRI that prove beyond doubt the reason for his disability. A lawyer is his next move. And they raised the resort tax in my county another penny and they want to raise impact fees and property taxes and more school taxes so they can indoctinate our kids with socialist dogma and when does it end?

I'll tell you, the end is not gonna be pretty and it's coming sooner rather than later.

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