Friday, September 10, 2004

Pulling My Hair Out

I made some changes to the site code to try to get the blog to work better in Internet Explorer. The main thing I wanted to fix was the page would end at the end of the archives, sometimes right in the middle of a post. That is fixed. The blogroll is not spacing properly and that seems to be a problem with the Blogrolling code. I'm not sure, I could be wrong (Imagine that). Actually, I change my mind, I believe it is the fault of the person who coded the site because I went to the sample site and it has the same problem. I can get the links and blogroll looking good but the blog will end at the end of the archives, so it's one or the other. I chose messed up links. It's as good as it's gonna get right now. I don't use Explorer but I know many people do. Too bad, because it's really not near state of the art in browsers. Not even close. That's a good reason to dump AOL.

The site works great in Safari, Firefox and Opera. I guess it's just not IE friendly - not my fault.

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