Friday, December 10, 2004

Shift Knob Will NOT Come Off

I just saw this conversation on a forum anmd I thought it was pretty funny so I'll share it. Edited slightly to shorten it.

I am trying to replace the leather covered shift knob on my 2002 Seville SLS, but the knob is refusing to come off. I have been told, and I have read, that it pulls straight off. I am pulling with extreme force, and the knob isn't moving. I went as far as opening the sunroof, sitting on the console, so I could use my legs, as well as my arms, to pull this thing off. I am afraid of damaging the shifter unit. WTF? I will get this thing off the car, even if I have to buy a new shifter unit. But, I would like to avoid that. Is there something I am missing? I am no small guy. I may be short, but I am quite strong. This thing is kicking my ass. Thanks for any help, that anyone may provide, that will help me out.

Hmm... I took the shifter off of my 2001 SLS just the other day. I also read that it pulls right off, and it did. The instructions I read said that I should expect it to take a good bit of force, and it did. But it sounds like you ARE putting that kind of force on it. I was able to reasonably easily do it just sitting in the driver's seat.

Sounds like maybe something could be wrong with yours, like it's stuck or something.

Ya think?

While at work today, I was explaining to a co-worker, what was happening. After he stopped laughing (because for the first time, a car is beating me), he tried also. I also tried, and this knob seems welded on. I swear, if we pull any harder, the whole shifter will pull out of the floor. I really wanted to save the shifter knob, as it is in great shape, but, I am going to cut it up. I will first try to do it nicely, by cutting the stitching out, to hopefully be able to put it back together. If that gets me nowhere, out comes the Sawzall. And I have a nice one.

Believe me, I have tried everything. I tried removing it, in each gear postition, twisting left, twisting right, pushing forward, pulling back. pulling back while twisting right, the list goes on and on. I will try one more time, and this time I am going animal on it. I just hope I dont break the mirror.

Isn't it a pisser how sometimes the things you WANT to get off your car (e.g., Shift Knob) seem welded on with all the force of cosmic gravity, and the parts you want to stay ON (e.g., my 02 Hood Ornament) seem attached with fly-wing tendons (and weak ones at that)...

Right from the GM factory shop manual.

1#Firmy grasp the shift control knob.
2#Pull straight up to detach from the shift lever.
Note: Detaching the shift control knob from the shift lever may require a large amount of physical effort.
Do not twist the shift control knob while pulling.

Well, I finally got the POS knob off the car. I introduced the knob to Mr. Milwaukee, and the new knob now resides on the shifter stem. Here's a pic of what is left of the old knob.

Awesome. That must've felt good. Is that a little "U" retainer clip I see there in the pic?

Yeah, that's it. I thought for sure that the thing was broken. But there it is, all looking new. I guess that I just lost some oomph, now that I am getting older. Oh well, the new knob is on, and I couldn't be happier.

Well, that's the other way to take it off.

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