Friday, August 11, 2006

Living in Darkness

How people view the conflict in Lebanon is a barometer for determining their ability to discern right from wrong.

If you hear someone fudge on this conflict, it is an indication of a moral failing, a weakness in their heart, a defect in their brain, a darkness in their very soul.

This from Joseph Farrah: Israel vs. Hezbollah, right vs. wrong

It's disturbing to me to see so many people living in moral confusion - moral darkness. It's worse to think so many Americans are falling into this abyss. It's even more shocking to see so many Israelis incapable of understanding the stakes in this conflict.

There are a lot of people getting weak in the knees right now.

It's not without precedent.

It happened before in 1939.

The dangers we face in the world today are comparable to what the world faced back then – maybe worse.

Today, the Nazis are those claiming to be the original Aryans. In fact, that's a derivation of the name of their country - Iran. They speak openly of wanting to destroy all the Jews. They are working feverishly on the development of nuclear weapons - something Hitler could only dream about.

It's not a time for going wobbly. It's not a time for moral confusion. It's not a time for myopia in distinguishing right from wrong.

I agree with him on this. We are stumbling in the dark - we need light.

The world, the race of mankind, is in darkness. We find that very hard to understand. We are proud of our achievements. We point to our impressive technology, our amazing and brilliant achievements in the realms of communication and of travel, and when we think of people who live in darkness we think of the savages who live in jungles, not civilized people like ourselves who live in the full light of human knowledge. We point to our great libraries and universities, and say, "How could we ever be thought of as people living in darkness?"

Yet, despite these impressive achievements, as we think about life and the struggle to find solutions to the problems that afflict us from generation to generation, we have to admit that these words are true. We do not know the answers. We are like children lost in a dark wood, feeling around, hoping to recognize something. We do not even know what we have run up against. We are like men in a dark room, bumping into furniture, not knowing what we are running into; we grope around, feeling things to see if we can understand where we are.

God is light

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