Friday, December 22, 2006

I'm Allergic to Crowds

I had to mail a package the other day and was, of course, dreading going to the post office because of the long lines. Usually I stop on my way home from work, around 7:30am, and use the self-service computer - whatever they call it. That day there was a line of about 7 people, I didn't have time to wait.

I decided to go before picking up the kids from school so I woke up early and headed to a satellite office nearby. As I walked in the only other customer was walking out, I didn't have to wait at all. Yeah! I drove over to Advance Auto Parts to dispose of some used oil and they just took the oil from me - in my disposable containers - I didn't have to dump it myself, as is usually the case. Great.

Irma wanted me to drop off a deposit at the bank so I headed over there, again, no line, just drove up and got it done. This was getting bizarre. I then went over to Home Depot to make a payment and there was no line there either. I thought this was the busiest shopping week of the year, what was going on?

I love this kind of day! I wonder if online shopping is cutting the crowds at the stores?

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