Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Retreat NOT An Option

Liz Cheney wrote an article I was pleasently surprised to find: Retreat Isn't an Option.

The biggest mistake this country could make right now is pulling out of Iraq. The enemy is drooling with anticipation of our retreat and it will embolden them. Sorry we have to deal with reality here but that's the cold, hard facts.

-- We will have to fight these terrorists to the death somewhere, sometime. We can't negotiate with them or "solve" their jihad. If we quit in Iraq now, we must get ready for a harder, longer, more deadly struggle later.

-- The terrorists are counting on us to lose our will and retreat under pressure. We're in danger of proving them right.

-- A member of Lebanon's parliament recently told me that Lebanese Sunnis, Shiites and Christians are lining up with Iran and Syria to fight against Sunnis, Shiites and Christians who want to stand with America. When I asked him why people were lining up with Iran and Syria, he said, "Because they know Iran and Syria aren't going anyplace. We're not so sure about America."

-- America deserves better. It's time for everyone -- Republicans and Democrats -- to stop trying to find ways for America to quit. Victory is the only option. We must have the fortitude and the courage to do what it takes. In the words of Winston Churchill, we must deserve victory.

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