Friday, March 23, 2007

Some Thoughts On Computers

Microsoft Vista has really not had a great reception and I keep hearing people say to buy a Mac or get Linux instead. I have to say, though, I really don't think that's good advice for most people.

I don't think most people should rush out to get Vista either, though. I haven't tried Vista and I don't think I will be trying it soon, preferring to wait until they get the problem areas fixed. I just don't have the resources to play around with it - wish I did. I understand the desire to get away from Microsoft, but I think it's a little premature to offer that advice to the average consumer.

I like Linux, I really do. It's an awesome operating system and I want to see it gain popularity. And it has. But it's not for everyone, not yet. Progress has been made and it's so much better than when I was first introduced to it, but it has more maturing to do.

Think of Linux like a street legal race car, home-built of course by skilled craftsmen. Sleek, fast, cool. No power windows or A/C here. They're working on it.

The Mac is like the BMW, Mercedes or Porsche of the computer world. Not only is it sleek, fast and cool, it's comfortable, too. It's got Tiptronic, you can shift yourself or put it in automatic and enjoy the ride. But, it's too expensive to buy and repair.

I have a Mac Powerbook. I used it exclusively for a year or so. One of the hinges broke and I got quotes upward of a thousand dollars to fix. It was a couple hundred just to buy the hinge. I ended up buying one on eBay and replacing it myself. Still cost a lot and it never should have broke in the first place - it's a known problem with the Powerbook. There is a stronger replacement hinge available now but it's still over $200.00.

Then one of the memory modules went bad, soon after that the CD drive died, and finally the hard drive went south. I replaced the parts myself but it's not something just anyone can do. The average consumer would have had a much larger repair bill. I upgraded to OS-X Tiger when I fixed it and my wife uses it mostly now. I liked it but I don't miss it. I am not a fan of proprietary products. Oh, and the other hinge is broken now.

I bought a Gateway laptop with Windows XP to replace it and I'm much happier with it. It's lasted longer, too. I'm not interested in buying another Mac. I would probably use OS-X if it was usable on a PC. I never could get completely comfortable with it though. I feel like right-handed man in a left-handed world.

I also built my own desktop computer, try that with a Mac. I like all the choices available with a PC based computer.

If you are technically challenged and just want your computer to work out of the box, go with Windows or OS-X. If your pocketbook is challenged, too - stick with Windows XP. If you have a lot of spare time and enjoy tinkering with your computer then Linux may be for you - it's not ready for my Mother yet. When it's ready for her, then you got something. That would be your Windows killer.

My opinion, worth price charged.

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