Friday, June 01, 2007

What Nation Was Established On These Principles?

Notice still further how He defended the dignity and rights of men against all forms of tyranny and oppression. Listen to His Woes. He began his ministry with "Blessed." He ended it with "Woe." Over against the eight beatitudes are the eight curses. It is an interesting study. But listen to the Woes. They are all hurled against men who tyrannize and oppress; and the whole teaching of Jesus concerning man is that a man has no right to bind himself beneath tyranny and be content. The teaching of Jesus is that there may be a good deal of incipient blasphemy in the popular idea that a man should stay in the position wherein he was born, and be content. The teaching of Jesus is that every man has inherent rights, and any man who comes between the individual and the throne of God is to be dealt with drastically, and the woe that falls from the lips of incarnate purity is pronounced against him.
-- G. Campbell Morgan

Oh, how far we have fallen.

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