Saturday, July 28, 2007

No Consequences

Chief Frustrated After 11 Arrested Fugitives Get Quick Release

"The system is broke. We need to rework the system," Chief McCoy said Friday. "It's kinda like trying to mop your floor with a hole in the mop bucket. You are just going to keep making a bigger mess. We have got to put these people in jail and keep them there."

On average, the fugitives taken down in last week's sweep each have nine prior arrests. Jose Ortiz Concepcion has been arrested 14 times. Accused murderer Channing Madison has been arrested nine times. Nicole Partee was arrested for the 19th time Wednesday for allegedly helping a murderer dump his victim's body.

"There are no consequences. I am a big believer, if there were more consequences early on, they would not step it up to the next level," McCoy said.

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