Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It Makes You Wonder

I previously posted about a possible test run on an Orlando flight. There is a lot more information about it here: The Untold Story of Delta Flight 1824.

The Aviation Nation has this on the incident.

Pat Campbell also posted about it in his blog, which includes the following from an "inside source."

There were 9 middle easterners, supposedly a family. 3 females and 6 males, they were "randomly"selected by the airline for additional screening by TSA. As a "SELECTEE" we automatically run an "EXPLOSIVE TRACE DETECTION" test on your bags after xray.
2 of the bags and some contents tested positive for SEMTEX (an explosive used by terrorists.) We tested the bags 4 times using different machines and got a positive each time. We then dump the bags...we found 3 jars of Vaseline duct taped together (as 1 cylinder) they tested positive. The Vaseline had been removed and put back in the jars, as we could see the voids on xray. We found strands of wire with the ends stripped, packets of the small eyeglass screw drivers, and 2 of the males had Vaseline smeared on their arms and neck areas. 3 of the males had false or fraudulent credentials, 1 male possessed 2 pass ports (same picture different names). After 2 hrs the FBI and OPD took them away from the checkpoint to the OPD station at OIA. From that point on I don't know what happened with them...

We removed all bags from the plane and did complete bag searches at the International gate side. We (TSA) found the 8 large bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide, not the bomb dogs.

You are 100% on the right track here. OIA is playing this thing down (probably for the bottom line) drasticly.

Hope this helps and is legible as I'm in a bit of a time crunch here.


Hard to know what to say about all this. Who's telling the truth? Hope we don't find out the hard way.

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