Sunday, September 16, 2007

Kathy Griffin

Just some of my thoughts on what she said.

Jesus is an easy target. A bully will pick on the weak kids because they are not likely to fight back. There's very little danger in going after Jesus. What's going to happen? A couple of your words may get bleeped, someone will write a commentary about your insensitivity, your name gets mentioned on the news a few times, your target audience will laugh? Quentin will be signing her for another movie - life goes on.

Jesus is not capricious, He's not going to strike her down. And neither will Christians.

So what's this all about?

Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists, has called for a boycott of the Emmy awards, likening the decision by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences to actions by radical Islamic states.

Johnson said "this is something I'd expect in a nation like Saudi Arabia or Taliban-controlled Afghanistan."

Bleeping or editing out a few of her words is like the actions taken by radical Islamic states? Really? Where has Ellen Johnson been living for the past six years, obviously not learning anything about Islam - except maybe from CAIR.

So why didn't Kathy Griffin tell Allah where to stick it? She could have addressed Jesus and Allah - spread the love around, heck, throw a few Hindu gods in there, too. No, that's off the table, can't do that. Even in the United States, she would have had to go into hiding for saying that. If she were in Saudi Arabia or Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, it would mean her life. She would be stoned to death or beheaded.

Kathy Griffin doesn't know Jesus, has no clue Who He really is. When He reveals Himself to her, she will change her mind. We were all enemies of God once.

And you, who were once alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled. - Colossians 1:21

Truly I say to you, All sins shall be forgiven to the sons of men, and blasphemies with which they shall blaspheme - Mark 3:28

Another point was made by Lauren Green in The Inaccuracy of Kathy Griffin's Remarks on Jesus:

The freedoms we enjoy in this country to speak freely and to live freely are directly related to that man who died on a cross 2,000 years ago.

And one more thing. There are many, many people who say they are Christians, and live as though saying "suck it" to Jesus. Not by words, but by deeds. Just saying.

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