Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Gun Free" Zones

Frank at IMAO posts:

So why the "gun free" zones? I can see those making sense to someone if you only thought about it for one second.

"If we make this a gun free zone, we won't have to worry about violence!"

(one second passes)

"Oh... but criminals don't follow laws. All that will mean is honest citizens will be defenseless. D'oh! I'm so stupid!" (slaps forhead)

Why don't people get this?

There's a scene in the movie "The Jerk" when Navin is being chased by a madman with a gun and he ducks into the carnival grounds, even though the sign says, "Carnival Personnel Only," and the madman stops at the sign and yells, "You're not carnival personnel! Hey, he's not carnival personnel!"

Why is that funny if not because it's completely ridiculous to think a madman trying to shoot someone is going to be stopped by a sign.

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