Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Students are the Victims

'Revolution' one of the R's taught in Tucson

Romero's program has raised some eyebrows. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne, who had a devil of a time even learning about the program's curriculum, has seen the program's texts (at last). He concludes they are steeped in leftist ideology and race-based resentment.

But the real horrors of Romero's program are closer to home.

In the past several weeks, messages have filtered out from teachers and other TUSD employees (some directed to Horne; others who have contacted me, following two previous columns on this subject) about what an officially recognized resentment-based program does to a high school.

In a word, it creates fear.

Teachers and counselors are being called before their school principals and even the district school board and accused of being racists. And with a cadre of self-acknowledged "progressive" political activists in the ethnic-studies department on the hunt, the race transgressors are multiplying.

One school counselor, who wrote to Horne, described an entire counseling department being decried as a racist after one of Romero's activists saw an "innocuous notation" on a draft paper drawn up from a department brain-storming session.

The ethnic-studies teacher "grossly misinterpreted" the notation to have racist meaning, the counselor said. The teacher wrote a letter to the parents of his students "telling them the school's counselors are racist" and encouraged his students to sign the letter.

"I can tell you that the weeks that followed were difficult ones for the counselors," the TUSD school counselor wrote.

"There were many tears. Most of us lost sleep. All of us experienced heightened levels of anxiety. Through no fault of our own, we were being perceived differently by our students and their parents."

This is nothing less than child abuse and is no different than Palestinians raising their children to hate Jews. It's the same spirit of hatred, only this is being taught in public schools right here in the United States. How is this allowed to go on? Is this the revolution that Obama wants to bring to this country - division, fear, intolerance and hatred? They like the same Marxist leaders.

Now is the time to put an end to this. Americans need to turn off the TV for a while and pay attention to what is going on. If this little revolution isn't kicked out of our schools you can be sure it will spread. If we're not going to close government schools it sure is time to do some serious house cleaning. Stand up for what is right or lose your country.

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