Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The New Brainwashing

Environmental psychotics

"Kids are no longer learning to read and write and do arithmetic, but they are learning that their parents are irresponsible stewards of the planet. They are learning that their Western way of life is a threat to Mother Earth, or the Gaia goddess. They are learning that human freedom is the cause of most environmental ills and that man must be reined in through willing submission to the gods of government and regulation to "save the world from destruction."

I think he's got this right. There is normal concern for the environment and then there is this psychotic, all-consuming neurosis that's taking over society and threatening to destroy it. Which, I guess, is the whole point.

Here's the truth: The worst environmental disasters in the world have been caused by over-reaching government control, not by people exercising stewardship over their own property.

Keep this in mind above all else, because it is over-reaching government control – on a grand international scale and without any accountability to people or the rule of law – that is being prescribed by these quacks as the cure when, in fact, it is the disease.

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