Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hilarity Ensues

But we were getting along so well!

So it's a little like watching Lenny Bruce ramble on after they started hammering him but there is comedy gold in Mark Stein's black cloud - and he handles it much better.

Whether or not it is appropriate (or even legal) for Canadians to be "contemptuous" of the Canadian Islamic Congress's thuggish assault on ancient liberties, the fact is Mr. Awan's lawsuit has earned him far more "contempt" than anything in my article. He should be suing himself.

How true. Unfortunately, the "human rights" commissions are dead serious and that kind of steals all the comedic thunder, at least if you have to live under such a system.

"Against the argument that you cannot cry fire in a crowded theatre: Oh yes you can — you must, if in your considered view there is a fire. In that case there is a duty to cry fire."
- Julian Porter, QC, speaking at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal on Friday

On a somewhat related note please read this blog post - good stuff.

And from a comment on this post:
Try to imagine for a minute Christians succeeding in a similar complaint suppressing all criticism of Christianity. The BC secularist troika would file it in the round file but Muslims have their ear.

Another good post:
There is much to discuss about the impact of Islam on western civilization. Islam is not a religion, its a blueprint for society. While you wish to be free from Christianity as you walk down the street, the reality is, no society exists without a religious morality at its core. There is really no such thing as a secular society.

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