Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Spreading it Around

Left-wing and a prayer

Look, it's not difficult. Barack the Spreader wants to spread Joe the Plumber's wealth around. In fact, every American does that for himself every day of the week, every time he swings by Joe the Butcher, Joe the Baker, Joe the Candlestick Maker, Jolene the Waitress, Jolene the New York Gubernatorial Prostitute, whatever. The question is whether 300 million Americans spreading their wealth around can do it more effectively than Barack and Barney taking it unto themselves to spread it around.

I don't find that hard to answer. If you disagree - if you believe in socialist redistribution from the dynamic sector of the economy to the sclerotic, incompetent and corrupt - then fine: lots of folks in European welfare states and African basket-case dictatorships do as well. But it's hard to have much respect for a pro-Obama "conservative argument" dependent on "hopes" and "prayers" that an Obama-Pelosi-Frank liberal supermajority won't do what they're explicitly saying they will do.

And just for the record, Barney Frank - and there's a quote from him in that commentary - should be in jail.

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