Friday, February 13, 2009

The Pernicious Political Virus

Barry and Marx --Erik Rush

  • Have any but a few of us caught on that trashing a nation's economy might be a Marxist's key objective in edging that nation toward totalitarian communism?

  • Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist. In the context of his career, he has always been a Marxist. The alarm amongst those people who only now think he is taking things too far or in the wrong direction would be amusing were circumstances not so grave. The only surprise on this end is that Obama has initiated the wholesale thievery and wanton curtailment of our liberties this soon.

    It isn't like America wasn't warned.

  • He was brought up with Marxists.

  • He studied Marxist "theology" for 20 years.

  • He deliberately sought Marxists to fraternize with throughout college – by his own admission.

  • He worked with Marxists and anti-American elements during his tenure in Chicago and Illinois state politics – which counts as very recently.

If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. In this case that duck is a deadly political virus.

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