Monday, April 27, 2009

The New Puritans

I kind of like that name for the left. Here's a great post from the Morning Companion blog: Who Decides Your Rights?

I am concerned, however, about the new Puritans, the Puritans of the left. They seem to have an entirely different ethic and even religious fervor that has its own non-negotiable rules of morality. The debate is over, they tell us, on global warming, carbon (dioxide) emissions, same sex marriage, illegal immigration, free speech rights, and whatever else that is a part of the new orthodoxy. Dissent is good, they say, even patriotic as long as they are the dissenters, but now the questions have all been decided. They won the election! Game over!

More importantly, his conclusion is spot on:

Inalienable rights endowed by a Creator is a more sure road to freedom. As for me, I prefer that worldview whether this is a Christian nation or not.

Lenny has a lot more thought provoking posts on The Morning Companion.

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