Monday, May 25, 2009

To Laugh or To Cry?

We're spending trillions we don't have to create government programs to spend even more trillions we don't have.

Mark Steyn: Statism the only thing being stimulated

I don't want to give the impression that every job funded by the stimulus is a job coordinating the public awareness of programs for grant applications to coordinate the funding of public awareness coordination programs funded by the stimulus. SEVCA is also advertising for a "Job Readiness Program Coordinator." This is a job coordinating the program that gets people ready to get a job. For example, it occurred to me, after reading the ad, that I might like to be a "Job Readiness Program Coordinator." But am I ready for it? Increasing numbers of us are hopelessly unready for jobs. Ever since last November, many Americans have been ready for free health care, free day care, free college, free mortgages – and, once you get a taste for that, it's hardly surprising you're not ready for gainful employment. I only hope there are enough qualified "Job Readiness Program Coordinators" out there, and that they don't have to initiate a Job Readiness Program Coordinator Readiness Program. As the old novelty song once wondered, "Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter While The Caretaker's Busy Taking Care?" Who coordinates programs for the Job Readiness Program Coordinator while the Job Readiness Program Coordinator's busy readying for his job? If you hum it, I'll put in for the stimulus funding.

What happened to Americans? We used to be independent and self-reliant, now we're just a bunch of whining babies who want mother government to take care of our every need, and at no cost to us.

You know what happens to whining babies in the jungle, don't you? No, they don't get raised by monkeys or wolves and live happily ever after. They get eaten.

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