Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Did He Just Use California As a Positive Example?

We know the benefits. In the late 1970s, the state of California enacted tougher energy-efficiency policies. Over the next three decades, those policies helped create almost 1.5 million jobs. And today, Californians consume 40 percent less energy per person than the national average -- which, over time, has prevented the need to build at least 24 new power plants. Think about that. California -- producing jobs, their economy keeping pace with the rest of the country, and yet they have been able to maintain their energy usage at a much lower level than the rest of the country. --President Barack Obama

In the late 70's, California started its spiraling descent into the morally and financially bankrupt state that it is today. That's what he wants for America? It is the policies of the left, the progressives, that have brought California (and Michigan, New York, New Jersey, among others) to its knees.

He wants what happened to California to happen all across America? That's not acceptable.

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