Monday, July 06, 2009

Honduras at the Tipping Point

Why is the U.S. not supporting the rule of law?

Mr. Zelaya's violations of the rule of law in recent months were numerous. But the tipping point came 10 days ago, when he led a violent mob that stormed a military base to seize and distribute Venezuelan-printed ballots for an illegal referendum.

All but a handful of my letters pleaded for international understanding of the threat to the constitutional democracy that Mr. Zelaya presented. One phrase occurred again and again: "Please pray for us."

Hondurans have good cause for calling on divine intervention: Reason has gone AWOL in places like Turtle Bay and Foggy Bottom. Ruling the debate on Mr. Zelaya's behavior is Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez, who is now the reigning international authority on "democracy."

What a shame that the leader of the free world is on the wrong side of this, too. But it is not surprising, anyone actually paying attention and reading the signs knew where he was on the political spectrum a long time ago. He is proving us right.

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