Friday, July 03, 2009

Nearly a Laugh ...

Liberals are almost comical. . . almost

These are the people that support murdering unborn children, and then call members of the military "baby killers."

These are people that accuse the Republicans of being all about greedy big corporate America, and then applaud Obama for spending tax dollars on bailing out greedy big corporate America.

These are people who accuses conservatives of dictating to them what they can do in their bedroom, and then shoves the gay agenda into our living room, schools, and streets - and uses thuggish behavior when Proposition 8 passes in California.

These are people who scream and cry whenever it is even mentioned that Creation ought to be taught alongside Evolution as a possible alternative in our schools, then pushes for homosexuality to be taught as normal in the school system, regardless of what parents think, or desire.

These are the people who enjoy the prosperity of the United States, and then blame Capitalism for a struggling economy that is the result of decades of liberal economic tactics.

These are the same people who believe that the best way to solve the struggling economy is to more than double the national deficit.

These are the same people who believe that the best way to make health care better is to allow the government to take control of it, and ration care.

These are the same people who believe that freedom is a wonderful thing, unless Iranians, or Hondurans cry out for it.

These are the people who hate capitalism because they say it encourages greed and then force laws down the throats of the American people that stagnate and kill the economy so they and their friends can siphon millions billions trillions for themselves and their friends from the private sector, taking from everyone to give to themselves. They want power and money and they don't care who gets hurt.


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