Thursday, October 01, 2009

Oh, You Poor Thing

Michelle Obama: It's a 'sacrifice' to travel to Europe to pitch for the Olympics. But I'm doing it for the kids.

In her speech in Copenhagen today, First Lady Michelle Obama said her trip to Denmark, along with the travel of her "dear friend" and "chit-chat buddy" Oprah Winfrey, as well as tomorrow's visit by President Obama, is a "sacrifice" on behalf of the children of Chicago and the United States. "As much of a sacrifice as people say this is for me or Oprah or the president to come for these few days,"

Imagine having to fly to Europe in a private 727 with your "dear friend" and "chit-chat buddy" Oprah Winfrey, with people waiting on you hand and foot, ready to serve your every whim. How horrible that she has to go through that!

Oh, wait. Maybe she meant the sacrifice was having to talk to Europeans?

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