Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Price Everything?

Asks Jonah Goldberg.

What possible price would warmists agree is just too high? Right now, greens want to spend trillions of dollars and export our manufacturing base to China and India in a foolish attempt to slightly ameliorate global warming. But it certainly seems that that's just the opening bid. If democracy is worth sacrificing, and dogs, cats, and unborn children are up for discussion, where is the line we will not cross?

What is the price we can all agree just isn't worth paying?

The Earth is in no danger from mankind, and will be around long after we are gone.

As George Carlin has said, "The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas."

What is happening to the planet is the least of our problems. What is happening to our character - that's the biggest problem.

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