Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Feigning Fear

Macheteculturalism by Mark Steyn

Sadly, in Landskrona the other day, an elderly couple parking their car made the mistake of attracting the attention of a young man of a certain, only vaguely hinted at, religion-of-peacey persuasion. He beat the 71-year old man brutally, and the 78-year old woman to death.

The killing has shocked the town. The leaders of four local Muslim associations held a press conference to deplore the "accident" and warn that it could "cause xenophobia". Indeed. That's the real news angle here:

Sweden: Muslim Community Fears Violence After Attack On Elderly Couple

That's the ticket: A purely hypothetical outbreak of violent attacks on Muslims always trumps actual violent attacks on non-Muslims. In a Tim Blair reader's note-perfect parody of a Guardian headline after the 2005 London Tube bombings:

British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow's Train Bombing

But, alas, this is a world beyond parody.

The same thing happens in America to the Tea Party Movement. Tea Party protests are as peaceful as has ever been seen and yet they are vilified by the left wing as angry, violent race mongers. Leftists can't even bait Tea Partiers into lashing out and have to resort to outright lies - not that that's out of character. Meanwhile, the actual violence and vitriol has come from the left.

What? You want an example? (Language Alert)

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