Saturday, August 28, 2010

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5

What is the history of the people according to the Bible? Their failure antedated that of priest or king. Babel is the first chapter of the federation of the people in order that they may manage themselves, and make themselves a great name in the world. From the first chapter the movement runs on through all your Biblical literature until, thank God, the day is coming, which is not yet come, when the supreme anthem of earth's emancipation will take the form: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen! The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ."

I look, then, at this Man, with the little group gathered about Him on the slopes of Olivet. Priesthood has rejected Him, government has flung Him out, the people have given their vote, consenting to the self-same rejection.

--G. Campbell Morgan, excerpt from Led Out-Led In.

I've just been thinking about this lately, seeing that people just don't get it. They don't get liberty, it's beyond their understanding. They don't get how far America has come from its roots, how magnificent was the seed that was the U.S. Constitution, how completely trampled upon it has become. They don't recognize the shackles of slavery that they wear, that they ask for, that they vote for. When they feel the weight of them they don't see the source, they lash out at those who would help them and seek comfort among the tyrants who enslave them. They escape one to run into the arms of another. The blind leading the blind.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, --Romans 1:22

Yet, they don't see it.

Babylon is still with us, still striving for the same goal - the perfect government, the perfect society, the federation of the people, by man and for man. The imposter, the failure, the tyrannical, murdering counterfeit system of man who would be god.

How do you wake up a nation? Glenn Beck is trying. Will he succeed? The odds are against it.

I've only just begun understanding this, I have been among the blind all my life. I don't claim any special intelligence or ability, more like the opposite. Understanding is a journey, keep walking toward the light.

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