Wednesday, September 08, 2010

You Keep Your Mouth Shut, or You'll Get Cut. Haha - I Like to Scare

Why are Liberals so Violent?

But as George Washington said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master." Government is force. It is violence. Every dictate of the government is backed up with people with guns who job it is to force compliance.

Those who want to expand government, by definition, want to expand the use of force to achieve their goals. It should therefore come as no surprise that liberal individuals and groups are inclined to use violence to further their goals even outside the domain of government.

This also might explain why most liberals are opposed to the specific enumerated right to keep and bear arms. It explains why they keep insisting, long after the courts have ruled otherwise, that the Second Amendment only protects the power of a state to arm itself independent of the Federal government. The explanation is that they see the willingness inside themselves and those they associate with to use violence and they fear it. They believe they, and everyone else, might use violence in an unethical manner if allowed the tools and the opportunity. They believe in the wisdom of “the central committee” to temper the violent impulses they believe the individuals to have.

This might also explain why liberals accuse the others of violence tendencies. They are projecting the worst fears about themselves onto their opponents.

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