Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where are the Massive War Protests?

John Hawkins has 7 Questions for Liberals About Obama's Libyan War
It seems like it was just yesterday when we had an "imperialist warmonger" in the White House who was going to be replaced by a peace-loving Democrat who promised "hope" and "change" instead. It's funny how that worked out, isn't it? We still have troops in Iraq, we've escalated the war in Afghanistan, and now we're bombing everything that moves in Libya. Yet, the same liberals who were protesting in the streets and calling George Bush a war criminal have mostly been meek and quiet about the fact that the President they supported has been following in George Bush's footsteps.

So, the obvious question is, Did you lefties believe ANY of the crap you were spewing about the war on terrorism before Obama got into office?" If so, maybe you could answer a few questions prompted by the things liberals were saying during the Bush years.

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