Friday, April 01, 2011

Those Who Control the Guns Control the People

Stop ATF's Anti-Gun Zealots
For 30 years, Chicago banned handguns. The crime rate skyrocketed. Murders soared. Gangs blossomed. Desperate city officials even considered calling the National Guard to combat the out-of-control violence that all the "community organizing" in the world couldn't curb. The Supreme Court struck down Chicago's individual firearms ownership prohibition last year, but the same anti-gun zealots who put Windy City citizens' lives at risk remain in power.

And now one of them may soon be in charge of the scandal-plagued Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

NRA's Chris Cox summed up the nomination bluntly: "You might as well put an arsonist in charge of the fire department."

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