Wednesday, November 06, 2002

I've been waiting all night to say this, I wish I had a laptop.
I just want to congratulate the incredibly smart Florida voters for passing a CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT that says farmers can't keep a pregnant pig in a cage. And there are apparently only two pig farms that it will effect. This is an ammendment to the constitution of the state of Florida, the most important document of the state. How do you even let that get on the ballot? Make it a law if you think it's should be but please! I'll tell you, we can thank the humane society for that. Please don't support the humane society thinking you are actually helping animals, the only thing you are helping is an extreme left wing anti-human organization. They circumvented the system to get their agenda passed. What gets me is that people don't really think about what they are doing, they just act on their feelings.
And Mondale probably kissed his chances goodbye because of that so-called Wellstone memorial service, that's what they get for acting so mean spirited and haughty. Not that I mind that he lost, I'm just glad they didn't get away with it.

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