Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Website of the day: Chocolate

I get alot of people looking for reviews of Genie garage door openers. All I can say is I am happy with mine, it's fast, looks good, and it's reasonably quiet.

I went to the dentist today. I have to get some work done and he said he can do it with a local anesthetic or general anesthetic. He will have to cut the gum, drill some bone and tooth and it will need stitches. If I do it locally I have to listen to him do the work and I don't like dental tools at all. On the other hand, general anesthesia doesn't sound too appealing either. Choices, choices. It's gonna be local I believe. I took Irma for chinese afterward on her lunch break. Yum.
James is with his Nana today. I know he's having fun, he loves to go there.
Yesterday he got a card in the mail from Grandma and it had a five dollar bill in it. He was so excited to have his own dollar. He was dancing around showing it to everyone. He was so proud! Thank you! I showed him Grandma and Poppa's picture and told him to thank them! They live in New Jersey unfortunately. Or I live in Florida unfortunately, or maybe both. I don't really mean it , there are things I really love about both states.

Today I heard that Barbara Streisand believes the Wellstone crash was done by the republicans. Look here! Unbelievable! I believe it was an accident but if it was caused by someone I would put money on the democrats. They are the ones who will benefit from it and those who accuse others of doing "evil" things are usually the ones who are really doing it. Just ask my ex-boss.

Here's is a quote from Neil Boortz that I just have to put on the site:


As you go through this election day I only ask that you remember one thing. I want you to remember that unique power that government has. That one unique power that you don’t have, corporations don’t have --- nobody has, except government. We’re talking about the power to use deadly force to accomplish goals.

If you want to increase your spending power, you have to do something to increase your earnings. You have to work smarter – harder – longer. If a business wants more money it has to come up with a better product, a better price, or better marketing. But government? If government wants more money all it has to do is take it. Just pull out the guns … and seize the money. Now don’t get all worked up about my reference to guns. Try not paying your taxes, and then try to prevent the government from seizing your assets, and you’ll see what I mean about guns.

So … you know that these elected officials are going to be the ones with the guns. They are the ones who can seize your money, whether you approve or not, and use that money to strengthen their own positions of power. This money they seize from you? They’ll be using that money to pay other people for their votes. Those people certainly don’t mind the fact that government has this unique ability to employ force to accomplish its goals … as long as those goals put more money into the right pockets.

So … are you going to sit back today and let someone else chose who gets to use the power of force? Remember ---it’s YOUR money their after. It seems you would want to be a part of the decision.

End of Neil Boortz quote.

That's a fact, Jack!

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