Monday, February 10, 2003

The French have the solution to the Iraq problem! Saddam passes "legislation to prohibit the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction." Bingo! So easy, and all our great political minds couldn't think of that, it took a frenchman. Actually, we do have politicians who have thought of it, just on a smaller scale; pass legislation to prohibit guns. That works just as well. Here's the link: Vote France Off the Island

This really took alot of investigation to figue out: UN is guilty of anti-Semitism

I couldn't keep my eyes open this morning after I got off work. I was fighting to keep from nodding off while driving home - I hate that. I laid on the sofa while James watched TV and played, half sleeping/half awake. He wouldn't take a nap today either. He was wide awake and it started pouring rain so that was it for him, he won't sleep if he hears rain, it scares him to be in his crib.

James helped me do the dishes and helped me load the dishwasher - he's so helpful. Now he wants me to put the computer away and open Joshua's door so he can play with him. James already got into a fight with Joshua today and threw his (plastic) jar of animals at him and got himself put in time out. Kids.

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