Monday, February 10, 2003

Why the United Nations is a joke. The Real Cowboys. This article clearly explains why the U.S. is standing up to the U.N. and why it's right to do so.

Will Saddam Use Chemical And Biological Weapons?

This was posted on refuting current liberal non-think.

I've been kinda sick of the whole Iraq thing, it's already dragged on far too long and watching the actions and words coming from the U.N. is making me ill. I'm not really all caught up in this whole thing but I am watching world events and I just have to post or link to posts that stand for truth and clear thinking. This war, if it happens, will not be the last. It's not going to be the end of the world. Not yet. And doing nothing will be far worse than what Pres. Bush wants to do. Unfortunately, all the good feelings and love in the world will do nothing to this enemy. They want you, your children, your family and everyone who doesn't strictly believe what they do, DEAD. In the movie Independence Day when they talk to the alien and ask "What do you want us to do?" or something to that effect, the alien answers "Die!" That's what you can do to please the Muslim extremists.

They are not interested in living in peace with you. You can't just lay that aside and pretend it isn't true. It is true and now they are closer than ever to being able to accomplish their goal - to kill as many Americans and Israelis as possible. They are very patient and time is on their side, the more time they have, the better. And yet, we seem to be giving them all the time they need while America is split and indecisive. The Muslim extremists have been taught since they were children that the ultimate goal is and the greatest reward comes from killing Americans and Israelis. Good will on your part will not change that. Loving them will not change that. Protecting them will not change that. Protesting the war will not change that. The people of Iraq are being held hostage now and Saddam will have no problem at all killing as many as needed to further his plans. He will put his most sensitive military equiptment in the childrens ward of a hospital and cry fowl if anyone dies. And the American people feel bad, hold back, and Saddam wins. If any civilians are killed, it is entirely the fault of Saddam Hussein. 100%. He will take every step to make sure it happens even if he has to do it himself. Bet on it.

I fixed the van today and it's working fine. We went to Grandma's house and she gave me way too much to eat as usual. It was good and I ate it all, now I'm still stuffed.

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